최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

유아의 스마트기기 사용실태와 중독경향성, 자기조절력, 친사회적 행동 간의 관계

Uses of Smart Devices and Their Relations to Immersion Tendency, Self-control Ability, and Prosocial Behavior in Preschoolers

This study examines the present uses of smart devices among preschoolers and their relations to immersion tendency, self-control, and prosocial behaviors. The teachers and parents of 159 preschoolers aged 4-6 years attending kindergartens and childcare centers in Busan and South Gyeongsang Provinces participated in the survey. The findings were as follows: First, a majority of the preschoolers had the experience of using smart devices; Second, their smart-device immersion tendency was not severe; Third, the smart-device immersion tendency was negatively correlated to their self-control abilities and prosocial behaviors. It can be concluded that the age of experiencing smart devices is decreasing and their effects have substantial consequences in young children’s socio-cognitive development.

I. 서론

II. 연구 방법

III. 연구결과

IV. 논의 및 결론

