어머니의 언어통제유형과 유아의 자기조절력의 관계에 대한 조망수용능력의 매개효과
Maternal Verbal Control Styles and Young Child s Self-Regulation Ability: The Mediating Role of Child’s Perspective Taking Ability
- 한국생애학회
- 생애학회지
- 생애학회지 제5권 제2호
- : KCI등재
- 2015.09
- 1 - 15 (15 pages)
This study examined the mediating effect of young child’s perspective taking ability on the relation between maternal verbal control styles and child’s self-regulation ability. Participants were 162 mother-child dyads at two kindergartens and three daycare centers located in Busan, Korea: 82 boys and 80 girls at the age of 4-5 yrs. Descriptive statistics, correlation, and hierarchical multiple regression were used for the analysis. The result showed that mother’s imperative verbal control was negatively correlated with child’s self-regulation ability, whereas positional and personal verbal control styles were not. In respect to the child with higher perspective taking and self-regulation abilities, his/her mother’s imperative and positional verbal control negatively correlated with his/her perspective taking ability. Furthermore, child’s emotional perspective taking ability fully mediated in the relation between mother’s imperative verbal control style and child’s self-regulation ability.
I. 서론
II. 연구방법
III. 연구결과 및 해석
IV. 논의 및 결론