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KCI등재 학술저널

2015 개정 교육과정 초등 과학 교과서의 탐구 관련 단원 분석

Analysis of Inquiry Related Units of Elementary Science Textbooks in the 2015 Revised Curriculum: Focusing on the Content Composition and Auxiliary Visual Data

DOI : 10.31216/BDL.20220010
  • 75

The major purpose of this study was to analyze components of inquiry-related contents in the elementary school science textbooks of the 2015 Revised National Curriculum on the basis of the perspective of learning objectives, themes, inquiry activities, assessment methods, and presentation type of auxiliary visual materials. Relevant units in elementary science textbooks were selected and analyzed by using analysis instrument to compare grade levels and search for excellent and insufficient cases. The results indicated that the learning objectives in inquiry-related units provided more performance standards from lower grade group to the upper grade group. A total of 20 types of learning materials were introduced in the textbooks. In the inquiry activities, one or two storytelling formats were used for each grade group to strengthen the connectivity of each class. The core competencies were scientific inquiry ability, scientific thinking ability, and scientific communication. The most frequently applied evaluation method in inquiry-related units was the self-evaluation method, and several peer evaluation methods were introduced in some grades. In the auxiliary visual data analysis, out of the total of 6 types, 5 types, except the explanatory type, were identified in the inquiry-related section. The 3rd and 4th grader group used more auxiliary visual data than the 5th and 6th grader group. The connection between the previous and subsequent lessons, the correspondence with the textual material, and the clarity of the material can be the basis for selecting an excellent case of the auxiliary visual material. In addition to the excellent case, the lack of ambiguity, lack of consistency with the central visual materials, and simply expanding the central visual material became the basis for selection as an insufficient case. It could be expected that the effective field application of inquiry-related units and implications for future textbook improvement directions could be obtained in this study.




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