최근 검색어 전체 삭제

The knowledge of God as the cognitive understanding and the covenant relationship in the book of Hosea: focusing on Hosea 4:6

In this article dealing specifically with Hosea 4:6, “the knowledge of God” is focused on from the cognitive aspect and the relational aspect in the exposition of Hosea. It will be presented that both the cognitive learning process and intimate relationship are to be integrated rather than separated in that biblical values are practiced in life, without which destruction is inevitable. For this purpose, the text of Hosea 4:6 and other related texts in the book of Hosea will be closely read with a synchronic and literary approach. The meaning of the knowledge of God in Hosea 4:6, the problem of priests in dealing with the knowledge, the meaning of forgetting in relation with the knowledge, and the meaning of the knowledge of God in the book of Hosea are considered. From this study, the conclusion is drawn that the knowledge of God is both objective and subjective, as the cognitive learning process (objective) and intimate relationship (subjective) are to be integrated rather than be separated. Cognitive learning process helps people to think about the reality and provides options to choose, and so they have to learn their past history, God’s covenant promises, His work in creation, the moral requirements, etc. Intimate relationship is possible because of covenant love between God and people, which is sustained by obedience and submission of people to Him. The knowledge, therefore, is produced not only through cognitive process, but also results in transforming life and obedience through intimacy. Such knowledge is closely connected to salvation, since Israel was destroyed and faced, if not repented, eternal damnation for the lack of knowledge. Currently it seems to be impossible to see God, but most people today have access to a knowledge of him under the influence of Holy Spirit through the reading of the Scriptures, prayer, witnessing, application of the Word to one’s daily life, etc., by which the cognitive understanding of God and the intimate relationship with Him are developed. God’s people are saved by such knowledge of God, which is the appeal from Hosea 4:6.

What is “the knowledge” in Hosea 4:6?

