최근 검색어 전체 삭제

A Study of Huangzhong’s Numeral Philosophy in the Han Dynasty - From the Perspective of the Unity of Time and Space -

The ancient Chinese Lvli (律曆) thought that formed in the Han dynasty is an unique and fascinating part of world civilization. The philosophical structure of Lvli thought and its significance in Confucian classics studies (經學) are detailed in the Lvli treatise of the Hanshu (漢書律曆志). The core concept and the starting point of Lvli system is the musical temperament of Huangzhong (黃鐘), by means of mathematics and image-numberology (象數易學), musicology and astronomy were linked together and created a new kind of Lvli philosophy. In the ontology and cosmology of Lvli theory, Huangzhong is not only the first tune of the traditional twelve musical temperaments, but also becomes the first principle of the universe and the beginning of the world’s movement, and consequently, becomes the motivation and basic order of human history. In concrete terms, Huangzhong is the mutual standard of both time scale and spatial scale, and represents the unity of these two dimensions. On the time aspect, with the data of Huangzhong instrument, scholars in the Han dynasty traced back to the beginning of human history in a specific calendar, and with this special calendar, they found out the basic law of dynasties’ changing and then made a new demonstration for their current political legitimacy. On the other hand, from the point of spatial dimension, with the length, volume and weight of Huangzhong pipe, politicians of the Han government established their national standard of measurements. Using the only rule of space, they built and amended their institutions and policies in specific rites and music system (禮樂制度). In Lvli thought the unity of time and space lies precisely in the number nine of Huangzhong’s length. In this sense, the ancient Chinese Lvli thought created in the Han dynasty carries unique academic value and is of crucial importance to research.

1. Introduction

2. The Mathematical Structure of Huangzhong Philosophy

3. The Unity of Time and Space in Huangzhong Philosophy

4. Huangzhong in the Confucian Classics Studies of the Han Dynasty

5. Conclusion
