노인의 신기술 사용에 대한 태도와 기술준비도가 신기술 수용 의도에 미치는 영향
The Influence of the Elderly's Attitude toward the Use of New Technology and Technology Readiness on the Intention of New Technology Acceptance
Purpose: This study attempted to investigate the influence of attitude toward the use of new technology and technological readiness on the intention of new technology acceptance among the elderly aged 65 or older living in small and medium-sized cities. Methods: Ninety-eight people age 65 or above participated in the study. The collected data were analyzed using an independent t-test and ANOVA with the Scheffé test. The Pearson correlations between attitude, technology readiness, and intention of new technology acceptance were analyzed, and factors affecting intention of new technology acceptance were analyzed using multiple regression analysis. Results: The factors affecting the elderly's intention to accept new technologies were innovation in technology readiness (β=.52, p<.001) and educational level (β=-.22, p=.018). Conclusion: Based on these findings, it is necessary to develop strategies and educational programs for the socioeconomically vulnerable elderly to improve their intention to accept new technologies.
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