미술 교과에서 인공지능 활용을 위한 체제적 수업설계
Systematic Instruction for Artificial Intelligence in Art Education: Based on ASSURE Model
- 한국교원대학교 뇌기반교육연구소
- Brain, Digital, & Learning
- 제12권 제2호
- : KCI등재
- 2022.06
- 231 - 242 (12 pages)
Artificial intelligence is bringing about a paradigm shift in all areas beyond simple a technical dimension. This researcher develops an art class guidance plan based on the ASSURE model to propose a systematic teaching-learning method in art classes using artificial intelligence. Previous studies that derived the application plan and possibility of artificial intelligence education in art education were examined and supplemented to devise content for the use of artificial intelligence in art subjects. In order to develop the envisioned content as a class guidance plan, I understood the ASSURE model that can systematically utilize technical media in class. This is because art classes using artificial intelligence essentially involve various technology media. The developed instructional plan is a total of four sessions, and in the first session, learners explore works that use the core of artificial intelligence technology as a medium for art and understand the relationship between artificial intelligence and art. In the second session, it consisted of activities in which learners manipulate and express artificial intelligence. In the 3rd and 4th sessions, the goal is to cooperate with artificial intelligence to newly examine the relationship between spherical art and non-disciplinary (abstract) art. The result of this study is to realize an understanding of systematic design for teachers using artificial intelligence in art subjects, It will be possible to provide a blueprint for future art education.
Research Methodology
Literature Review
Results and Discussions
Conclusions and Implications