최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

디지털 전환 시대를 위한 디지털 교과서 기반 미래형 과학 교수·학습 모델의 개발

Development of A Future-oriented Teaching and Learning Model Based on Digital Textbook in Science Class for the Digital Transformation Era

DOI : 10.31216/BDL.20220020
  • 215

Digital textbooks have various advantages in science learning for the era of digital transformation based on functions such as virtual labs, high-definition images, and interactive contents. However, the current science class is administering without a learning model suitable for the era of digital transformation. Therefore, it is necessary to suggest a science learning strategy using digital textbooks in preparation for the digital transformation era. In this study, we developed a science teaching and learning model for the digital transformation era using digital textbooks. As a result, it was possible to provide a learning model based on a problem-solving process using digital textbooks and a learning strategy using digital functions in science class. The model consists of three steps in the teaching and learning process : Advanturing, Projecting, and Prosuming (APP). In addition, the APP model uses digital textbooks that include teaching and learning strategies of thinking and social interaction in creative problem solving. Therefore, the development of the APP model with appropriate digital functions and learning strategies could be applied to develop and evaluate digital textbooks and learning process suitable for the digital transformation era.


Theoretical Background

Research Method

Result & Discussion

Conclusions and Educational Implications

