최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Cronbach a의 성격 탐색

Research on the Nature of Cronbach a

  • 5

By Cronbach, a is the average of all the possible split-half coefficients for a given test, and a is index or estimating coefficient of equivalence and homogeneity of items. This article investigated whether what he insisted is right or wrong, a is classified as a kind of reliability. Reliability means precise measurement. Then does a indicate degree of precise measurement? Investigation of these questions showed that a accords roughly with the average of all possible split-half coefficients but does not accord precisely, and a accords with homogeneity in some special cases but does not accord with homogeneity for the most part, a can have relation to precise measurement in practice by chance but a has no relation to it logically. These discordances result from the facts that a fundamentally and originally denote the degree of 'interaction' among items and subjects by a formula, and the a formula is inappropriate to denote the original meaning of reliability.

I. 문제

II. Cronbach의 a와 반분신뢰도의 관계

III. Cronbach의 a와 문항들의 동질성

IV. a와 신뢰도

V. Cronbach의 주장과 사실이 다른 이유

VI. 결론
