산업단지 폐기물처리시설 설치기준 개선 및 매립시설 설치를 위한 제도적 개선방안에 관한 연구 - 사업장배출시설계폐기물 중심 -
A Study on the Improvement of Standards for Installation of Waste Treatment Facilities and Improvement of the System for the Installation of Landfill Facility in Industrial Complexes - Focusing on Wastes from Facilities -
- 한국환경에너지공학회
- 환경에너지공학
- 제17권 제1호
- : KCI등재후보
- 2022.07
- 14 - 27 (14 pages)
Problems related to waste disposal, such as a shortage of landfill facilities and a surge in illegal waste, are becoming a major social issue. The quantity of wastes generated is continuously increasing, and the rate of wastes from facilities, which accounts for a high percentage of the quantity generated, is gradually increasing. In order to establish an appropriate capacity landfill facility installation plan when planning to develop of industrial complex that discharges large quantity of industrial wastes, the appropriateness of the current industrial complex waste treatment facility installation standards was reviewed, and institutional improvement measures were derived. The research results are as follows. First, industrial complexes showed a large difference in the distribution of the total site area and the industrial area by type, and the quantity of wastes generated in industrial complexes had a higher correlation coefficient with the industrial area than the total site area. Second, it was proposed to change from the total site area to the industrial area as an improvement plan for the area standard among the current standards for installation of industrial complex waste treatment facility. Third, the average value of the generated unit without considering the size of industry is applied to the generated unit, and there is a limitation in that there is a difference in actual quantity due to the application of the subjective generated unit due to the absence of guidelines for calculating the quantity of wastes generated and the application of the generated unit in the middle classification stage. Fourth, as an improvement measure to the calculation of the quantity of wastes generated in industrial complexes, it was proposed to be specified Industrial Complex Code of the Industrial Land Information System and Korea Standard Industry Code in waste discharge report form to improve utilization and subdivide the industrial waste classification unit. Fifth, considering the limitations of the current industrial complex waste treatment facility installation standards, regional concentration of landfill facilities, and lack of remaining capacity, a total amount management plan was proposed that comprehensively considers the overall status of landfill capacity. Sixth, a plan was proposed to introduce a performance guarantee system, enforcement fine imposition, and deposit system to introduce sanctions on non-fulfillment of the obligation to install waste treatment facilities in industrial complexes.
1. 서 론
2. 폐기물 관리 현황
3. 산업단지 폐기물처리시설 설치기준 검토
4. 산업단지 매립시설 설치 개선방안
5. 결 론