최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

고등학교 학생의 자기조절 학습전략 유형 탐색

A Case-study on the Self-regulated Learning Strategies of High School Students

DOI : 10.31216/BDL.20220028
  • 51

This study was conducted to explore the adjustment strategies that appear in the learning situation in line with the ultimate educational goal of the current 2015 revised curriculum, which is to foster independent and self-regulating learners and to emphasize the affective domain. This study explored the self-regulation strategies of high school students with high academic achievement through a qualitative research method. In this study, in-depth interviews and data used for students' learning were analyzed for the top-ranked students with average grades of 1 to 2 among the second and third grades of general high schools. The students who participated in the study found that they strategically control their learning through motivational regulation, willpower regulation, and information regulation. The participants used the strategies of performance self-direction, self-compensation, having own goals, having a favorite subject, linking to career, self-efficacy, and finding fun in the area of motivational regulation. In addition, in the willpower regulation area, it was found that strategies such as transitioning learning subjects, changing the environment, making a plan, focusing attention, strengthening willingness, and utilizing pressure were used. Finally, in the information regulation area, strategies such as metacognition, seeking help, and finding learning peers could be found. This study proposes advice that can help students participate in and continue learning by exploring the accommodation strategies experienced by learners.





