The Influence of Vacuum Packaging of Hot-Boned Lamb at Early Postmortem Time on Meat Quality during Postmortem Chilled Storage
The Influence of Vacuum Packaging of Hot-Boned Lamb at Early Postmortem Time on Meat Quality during Postmortem Chilled Storage
- 한국축산식품학회
- Food Science of Animal Resources
- Food Science of Animal Resources 제42권 제5호
- 2022.09
- 816 - 832 (17 pages)
To evaluate the effects of early postmortem vacuum packaging (VP) on meat quality during postmortem chilled storage, hot-boned lamb was vacuum-packaged at 1, 6, 12, 24, and 48 h postmortem and stored around 2℃ until 168 h postmortem, with lamb packaged in plastic wrap as the control (aerobic packaging). Intramuscular pH decline was delayed when lamb was vacuum packaged at 1, 6, and 12 h postmortem (p<0.05). The lamb vacuum-packaged at 1 h postmortem (VP-1h group) had significantly lower shear force values and purge losses accompanied by lower free thiol group values than other treatments during postmortem storage and was also higher in extractable calpain-1 activity by 6 h postmortem (p<0.05). Free thiol group concentrations were significantly higher after VP at 6 and 12 h postmortem (p<0.05). Packaging lamb under vacuum very early postmortem produced the lowest shear force and purge loss, likely by slowing heat loss and muscle temperature decline, implying that lamb quality is improved by VP when applied very early postmortem. This was at the expense of protein oxidation, which was unrelated to other meat quality measurements, most likely because potential contracture during hot boning confounded its impact. Further research is required to understand the implications of the interaction between protein oxidation, VP, and hot boning on the acceptability of lamb.
Materials and Methods
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