최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

Overview of energy intake, physical activity, and neuronal substances on obesity

Overview of energy intake, physical activity, and neuronal substances on obesity

DOI : 10.5851/fl.2020.e3

This study provides an overview of the effects that energy sources, physical activity, endocrine substances and meat consumption have on the prevention and treatment of obesity. We found that many factors are considered to be involved in the occurrence of obesity, and that controversies exist over the mechanisms underlying, and solutions for, obesity. Several endocrines, including dopamine, insulin, leptin, and adiponectin, are implicated in body weight gain or obesity. The accumulation of body fat may vary depending on the percentage of carbohydrate and fat intake, but the results of several studies regarding this aspect are inconsistent. Information regarding the effects of the extreme restriction of carbohydrate intake or fat intake on the reduction of body weight gain is also insufficient. Furthermore, the relationship between eating habits, physical activity and meat consumption in obesity remains controversial. While the influence of leptin and adiponectin on food intake and obesity has been widely studied, the development of drugs that use these substances to treat obesity is difficult. Based on the findings of this study, the authors believe that further research is needed to determine how to control body weight gain and to address the various controversies regarding diet or obesity.


Effect of food energy sources on obesity

Effect of physical activity on obesity

Effect of insulin on obesity

Effect of leptin on obesity

Effect of adiponectin on obesity

Effect of dopamine on food intake

Influence of meat consumption on obesity

Conflicts of Interest


Ethics Approval

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