숙성 및 가열에 따른 돼지고기의 육색과 잔존 아질산이온의 변화
Change of meat color and residual nitrite on pork with aging and heating
- 한국축산식품학회
- Food and Life
- 제2020권 제2호
- : KCI등재후보
- 2020.07
- 79 - 86 (8 pages)
This study aimed to determine the changes in meat color (L*, a*, and b*), residual nitric acid ion, myoglobin (Mb), and met-myoglobin contents in pork loin aged and heated with the addition of sodium nitrite. The meat color was measured by using a chromameter, and visual sensory evaluation was used to determine for redness and brightness. When the pork loin was aged with sodium nitrite, the redness (a*), chroma (C*) and hue angle (ΔH) values were higher, and the lightness (L*), yellowness (b*), and whiteness (W*) values were lower than those of pork loin aged without sodium nitrite. The residual nitric acid ion, myoglobin, and met-myoglobin contents were increased by the sodium nitrite treatment. Although the meat color of the heated pork loin with sodium nitrite was similar to that of the aged pork loin with sodium nitrite, the residual nitric acid ion content decreased. These results indicate that the addition of sodium nitrite to pork loin, which undergoes color fading during aging, can improve consumer preference through meat stabilization effects and reduce residual nitric acid ion formation caused by moderate heating.
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