최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

동물복지 육계(Cobb) 다리육의 이화학적 특성과 생리활성기능 성분

Physicochemical characteristics and bioactive compounds of thigh meat from Cobb broiler in animal welfare farm

DOI : 10.5851/fl.2021.e7
  • 14

This study was performed to evaluate physicochemical characteristics and bioactive compounds of chicken thigh meat of broilers (Cobb) from animal welfare farm. Carcass of broilers from conventional (n=30) and animal welfare certified farms (n=30) were packaged and stored in cold incubator at 4±1℃ for 9 days. Physicochemical properties and bioactive compounds of thigh meat were determined on day 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9. There was no significant difference in proximate composition and redness. Shear force of thigh meat from animal welfare farm was higher than thigh meat from conventional farm during entire storage (p<0.05). Total aerobic bacteria (TAB) counts of chicken thigh meat from animal welfare farm were significantly lower than it from conventional farm on day 7 and 9. Also, as a lipid oxidation value, 2-thiobarbituric acid reactive substance of thigh from animal welfare farm was significantly lower than that of it from conventional farm (p<0.05). Creatine, creatinine, anserine, and carnosine were not affected by welfare farming during storage. Therefore, this study suggests that Cobb chicken thigh meat from animal welfare farm showed lower TAB, lower lipid oxidation, and higher shear force value than thigh meat from conventional farm after storage day 7. This data can be used as a preliminary data for sustainable production of broilers based on animal welfare farming system in Korea.


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