유청 단백질을 이용한 마이야르 공액체 기반 나노 에멀젼 전달체의 기능적 특성
Functional property of Maillard conjugate-based nano emulsion delivery system using whey protein: a mini review
- 한국축산식품학회
- Food and Life
- 제2021권 제3호
- : KCI등재후보
- 2021.11
- 79 - 85 (7 pages)
Numerous hydrophobic bioactive compounds are susceptible to decomposition and contain low bioavailability becauseof their poor water solubility and chemical stability during food processing and storage, and gastrointestinal digestion.The use of Maillard conjugate-based nanoemulsion delivery system using whey protein can be a promising way to enhancethe chemical stability and bioavailability. It is attributed to the enhanced functional properties of Maillard conjugate,such as thermal stability, emulsifying property, and antioxidant property. In this review, technological approachesto enhance the physicochemical functionality of whey protein-based Maillard conjugate will be discussed.
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