최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

A study on the ASEAN Plus Three Emergency Rice Reserve as a food security institution in East Asia

A study on the ASEAN Plus Three Emergency Rice Reserve as a food security institution in East Asia

DOI : 10.5851/fl.2021.e11

This study was conducted to study the background, operation status, problems, and improvement plans of the ASEANPlus Three Emergency Rice Reserve (APTERR) institution, which was formed under ASEAN and the Plus Three governmentsconsisting of Korea, China, and Japan to cope with the food crisis in East Asia. This study performed a literaturesearch and focus group interview with experts. In-depth expert interviews were conducted three times for one monthin August 2021 with eight experts in the relevant field. The results of this study are as follows. The APTERR was establishedto cope with the regional food crisis. Experts recognized that the APTERR had been operating relatively successfullysince 2011. However, the APTERR's financial dependence on the Plus Three countries, including Japan, should becorrected. Experts were positively aware of APTERR's role and prospects in the food crisis that might appear in situationssuch as the COVID-19 pandemic. In conclusion, this study revealed that the APTERR could contribute to regionalcooperation and integration. This study has the significance of providing practical and academic primary data on theinternational institution and regional integration issues regarding food security in East Asia.


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