최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

간호대학생의 COVID-19 관련 지식, 감염위험지각, 두려움, 자기효능감이 COVID-19 감염 예방행위에 미치는 영향

The impact of Knowledge, Risk perception, Fear, Self-efficacy on COVID-19 Preventive behaviors in Nursing Students

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Purpose: This study aims to identify the knowledge, risk perception, fear, self-efficacy, and preventive behaviors among nursing students, and factors influencing preventive behaviors on COVID-19. Methods: Data was collected from March, 2022 to May, 2022. The participants included 218 nursing students in their 3rd and 4th grade of three universities in two cities. Results: The knowledge of COVID-19 was 13.54 out of 15 points, risk perception was 4.83 out of 8 points, fear was 13.26 out of 35 points, self-efficacy was 19.96 out of 25 points, and preventive behaviors were 7.56 out of 9 points. The explanatory power of self efficacy (β=.21, p=.002), which affects preventive behaviors was 67.0%. Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, it is necessary to develop a systematic nursing intervention that improves self-efficacy to improve preventive behaviors against COVID-19 among students. This study’s result can be used in the future to develop appropriate health policies and program to prevent emerging infectious diseases.

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