최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

의과대학 학생들의 일주기 유형과 수면의 질 및 회복탄력성과 불안 증상의 관련성

Association Between Chronotype, Sleep Quality and Resilience as Well as Anxiety Among Medical Students

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Objectives: Our study aimed to investigate the relationship between the anxiety at first year and chronotype and sleep quality at third year in medical students. We also investigated the association between sleep quality, chronotype, depression and resil¬ience at third year. Methods: Fifty two medical students (36 males, 69%, aged 21 ± 0.93) in first year, and forty four medical students (31 males, 70.5%, aged 23.05 ± 0.99) at third year answered Beck Depression Inventory 2, Beck anxiety inventory, Insomnia severity in¬dex-K, Composite scale of morningness and Conner-Davidson Resilience scale-10. Multiple linear regression analysises were performed to identify predictors of chronotype, sleep quality and resilience. Results: Higher anxiety (β = -0.434, p = 0.006) at first year was significant predictor of eveningness at third year, while lower anxiety score (β = 0.606, p < 0.001) at first year was significant predictor of sleep quality at third year. Lower sleep quality (β = -0.314, p = 0.042) and eveningness (β = 0.315, p = 0.041) were associated with low resilience at third year. Also, Lesser de¬pression (β = -0.717, p < 0.001) was associated with higher resilience at third year. Conclusion: Our study showed that higher anxiety in first year had significantly related with eveningness and poor sleep quality at third year. In addition, higher sleep quality, morningness and less depression had significantly associated with better resilience at third year.

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