최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

요양병원 간호사의 전문직 자아개념과 직무만족

Professional Self-concept and Job Satisfaction among Nurses Working in Long-term Care Hospitals

DOI : 10.5807/kjohn.2022.31.4.178
  • 65

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to identify the relationship between professional self-concept and job satisfaction of nurses working in long-term care hospitals and to consider strategies to improve these factors. Methods: Data were collected using structured questionnaires given to 135 nurses working at six long-term care hospitals in C City. The data were analyzed with SPSS 23.0 by descriptive statistics, Cronbach’s ⍺, t-test, one-way ANOVA, a Scheffé test, and with Pearson's correlation coefficient. Results: The average score for professional self-concept was 2.78 points (out of 4 points), and the average score for job satisfaction was 3.11 points (out of 5 points). Significant differences were found for professional self-concept according to age, marriage status, total work experience, number of patients per nurse, and position, while job satisfaction showed significant differences depending on age and the number of patients in the ward. Professional self-concept and job satisfaction showed a significant positive correlation (r=.46, p<.001). Conclusion: In long-term care hospitals, it is necessary to provide education programs about nursing practice, communication, and leadership to enhance the professional self-concept of nurses. With regard to job satisfaction for nurses, it is imperative to improve the work environment of long-term care hospitals.


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