최근 검색어 전체 삭제

Effect of Spore-Forming Probiotics on the Poultry Production: A Review

Effect of Spore-Forming Probiotics on the Poultry Production: A Review

DOI : 10.5851/kosfa.2022.e41

Due to the bad aspects associated with the use of antibiotics, the pressure on poultry production prompted the efforts to find out suitable growth-promoting and disease-preventing alternatives. Although many cost-effective alternatives have been developed, currently, one of the most auspicious alternatives for poultry feed is sporeforming probiotics, which can exert more beneficial effects as compared to normal probiotics, because of their ability to withstand the harsh external and internal conditions which result in increased viability. Many studies have already used spore-forming probiotics to improve different parameters of poultry production. Our laboratory has recently isolated a spore-forming bacterial strain, which has the potential to be used as a probiotic. So, to provide a detailed understanding, the current review aimed to collect valuable references to describe the mechanism of action of spore-forming probiotics and their effect on all the key aspects of poultry production.


Why Spore-Forming Probiotics

Mechanism of Action of Spore-Forming Probiotics in Poultry

Effect of Spore-Forming Probiotics on Different Key Aspects of Poultry

Future Implications

Conflicts of Interest


Author Contributions

Ethics Approval

