최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

항우울제로 새롭게 등장한 ‘남용 물질’: 치료에 적용할 때 고려해야 할 것들은 무엇인가?

“Drugs of Abuse” as “New Antidepressants”: Medical and Philosophical Considerations in Treatment

Recently, drugs with a potential for abuse are regaining attention as antidepressants. These drugs are mood enhancers and reduce negative feelings. Therefore, they can be effective in the treatment of depression. However, mood enhancement is insufficient for the real improvement of depressive symptoms. Additionally, treating depression using drugs with dependency risks raises concerns regarding autonomy issues. In this article, the authors discuss issues that a psychiatrist should consider when prescribing “drugs of abuse” as antidepressants from medical, philosophical, and legal perspectives. The limitations of the current psychiatric diagnosis system in depression, questions concerning pleasure-seeking with antidepressants, dilemmas with autonomy, and problems of enhancement are discussed.


남용 약물과 ‘우울증 치료’의 의미

남용 약물을 이용한 ‘쾌락 추구’의 문제

우울증 치료에서 ‘의지력’과 ‘자율성’의 문제

우울증 치료와 ‘증진(enhancement)’의 문제


