본 연구는 청소년상담기관 상담자의 화상상담에 대한 인식 및 경험을 밝히고자 청소년상담기관 상담자 10명을 대상으로 심층인터뷰를 실시하고 합의적 질적 연구방법을 사용하여 자료를 분석하여 7개의 영역, 16개의 범주, 38개의 핵심개념이 추출되었다. 분석결과 청소년상담기관 상담자들의 화상상담 경험의 영역은 ‘인식의 변화’, ‘상담구조화’, ‘라포형성 및 상담진행’, ‘화상상담에 효과적인 내담자’, ‘화상상담의 장점’, ‘화상상담의 단점’, ‘전망 및 기대’로 분류되었다. 청소년상담기관 상담자들은 화상상담이 상담의 한 영역으로 정착되었다고 인식하였고 상담구조화에 더 공을 들여야 하며 화상상담의 특성이 라포형성의 속도에 영향을 줄 수 있지만 그 영향은 미미하다고 하였다. 또한 화상상담은 개인공간이 확보된 내담자에게 적합하고 상담시간 조정과 추수상담 적용에 용이하다는 장점과 공간이 다름에서 나타나는 문제점 및 온라인오프라인 상 환경의 불안정성의 단점이 있는 것으로 드러났다. 그럼에도 불구하고 화상상담은 보조적 수단을 넘어 상담의 중요 영역으로 자리매김할 것으로 전망되었다.
The purpose of this study was to reveal the perceptions and experiences of video counseling by counselors at youth counseling institutions. To this end, ten counselors at youth counseling agencies were interviewed and analyzed the data was using a consensual qualitative research method. As a result of the analysis, counselors’ perceptions and experiences of video counseling were extracted into seven areas, seven categories, 16 categories, and 38 core concepts. The areas of video counseling experience of counselors at youth counseling institutions are ‘change in perception’, ‘counseling structure’, ‘rapport formation and counseling progress’, ‘clients benefitted from video counseling that is an equally effective option as face-to-face counseling’, ‘advantages of video counseling’, ‘disadvantages of video counseling’, and ‘prospects and expectations for video counseling’. The counselors recognized that video counseling was established as an area of counseling, and more effort was needed to structure counseling. The characteristics of video counseling could affect the speed of rapport formation, but the effect was insignificant. In addition, the advantages of being suitable for clients who have secured personal space and easy to adjust counseling time and application of follow-up counseling, as well as the problem of different spaces and the instability of the environment both online and offline, were revealed as disadvantages. Nevertheless, video counseling was expected to become an important area beyond auxiliary means.
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