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비장애형제자매 아동에 대한 상담연구동향 분석

Analysis of Counseling Research Trends in Young Non-Disabled Siblings: Focused on domestic academic journals from 2010 to 2021

  • 381

본 연구는 2010년~2021년에 국내 학술지에 게재된 비장애 형제자매의 상담 분야와 상담 관련 논문 25편 선정 후 상담 연구 동향을 분석하였다. 장애아동의 비장애 형제자매, 비장애 형제자매 아동을 키워드로 하여 발행연도, 연구 분야, 연구대상, 연구내용, 상담중재방법 동향을 분석한 결과, 첫째, 2010년~2021년까지 발행연도 동향은 2013년에 비장애 형제자매의 연구가 5편으로 가장 많았다. 둘째, 연구 분야의 동향은 미술치료 연구가 가장 많았다. 셋째, 연구대상의 동향은 비장애 형제자매 대상 연구, 초등학생 대상연구, 형제의 장애 유형은 혼합장애가 가장 많았다. 넷째, 연구내용에 따른 동향은 프로그램 효과검증 및 개발 연구가 가장 많았다. 다섯째, 상담중재방법의 동향은 미술치료 적용 연구가 가장 많았고 상담중재방법이 다양화 되었다. 여섯째, 심리,정서적 측면의 동향 및 특성의 경우 단독 논문 5편, 비교 논문 1편, 부모 연구 논문 1편이다. 이를 토대로 시사점과 의의 및 한계를 제안하였다.

Objectives: In this study, a total of 25 papers on non-disabled siblings in domestic academic journals from 2010 to 2021 in the field of counseling or related area were selected and the recent trends in the topic was analyzed. Methods: The major keywords such as ‘Non-disabled siblings of disabled children’ and ‘young non-disabled siblings’ were used on RISS (Research Information Sharing Service) and a total of 25 studies were analyzed based on the year of publication, research areas, research subjects, research contents, and trends in counseling intervention method. Results: : First, the studies on non-disabled children who had disabled siblings were most actively conducted with five studies in 2013. 1 to 4 studies were conducted from 2013 to 2021. Second, in terms of research area, art therapy was conducted the most. Third, as for subjects, the studies conducted only on non-disabled children with disabled siblings and the ones on elementary school students were the most common. Mixed disabilities were the highest for their siblings’ type of disability. Fourth, in terms of research content, research on verification of program effectiveness and development was the most common. Fifth, for counseling intervention method, the research applying art therapy was the most frequent, showing the variety of counseling intervention methods compared to the past. Sixth, as for the characteristics of psychological and emotional aspects of non-disabled siblings, there were 5 papers on non-disabled siblings alone, 1 paper comparing disabled children with non-disabled siblings, 1 paper on studying non-disabled siblings and parents together. It was confirmed that there is a possibility of experiencing difficulties in psychological and emotional aspects due to various factors. Conclusions: Based on these results, implications, academic significance and limitations were provided.

Ⅰ. 서 론

Ⅱ. 연구방법

Ⅲ. 연구결과

Ⅳ. 논 의

