The Role of Teachers' Enthusiasm and Efficacy in Technology Integration in the Relationship between Teacher Training and Intention to Continue Integrating: A Bangladesh Context
교사 연수와 디지털 기술의 지속적인 통합 의도간 관계에서 교사 열정과 효능감의 역할: 방글라데시를 중심으로
- 한국교원대학교 뇌기반교육연구소
- Brain, Digital, & Learning
- 제12권 제4호
- : KCI등재
- 2022.12
- 729 - 743 (15 pages)
The study investigates the role of teacher experience with student change and their enthusiasm as antecedent factors that predict their continuance intention to integrate technology in the classroom. The Partial Least Squares technique was applied to analyze data from 157 teachers in Bangladesh participating in an international development program. The proposed model showed eight significant hypotheses. The variables of teachers’ effort regulation, efficacy on technology integration, teaching enthusiasm, and impact on students significantly influenced continuance intention to integrate technology in the classroom. These factors should be considered when teacher training in international development programs is designed to secure the longer-term effectiveness of aid for education in developing countries. From the finding, we suggest a sustainable framework in the education sector for the effectiveness of international development aid.
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