최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

日本の高校で育てる学力と大学が求める学力 に関する一考察

The Academic Skills Developed in High Schools and Ones Required by Colleges in Japan

  • 18


This study examines the relationship between the academic skills that Super Science High Schools (SSH) aim to cultivate and those required by the admission policies of leading universities. The following three points became clear as a result of this study. First, the “new academic skills” consist of the following three elements: 1) what they know and can do (individual knowledge and skills), 2) how they use what they know and can do (ability to think, judge, and express), and 3) how they relate to society and the world and lead better lives (ability to learn, human nature, etc.). Of the three, high schools (SSH schools) placed particular emphasis on 2) ability to think, judge, and express. The analysis also revealed that the three components of the “new academic skills” do not show similarity or closeness to each other. Second, the academic abilities demanded by colleges were divided into “institution-level” and “faculty-level,” with the college-level emphasizing qualities and abilities based on the new academic abilities, such as independence and collaboration, while the faculty-level emphasized knowledge-oriented academic abilities. This indicates that there is a discrepancy between the image of students sought by the university as a whole and by each faculty. Third, a comparison of SSH trends with college trends reveals that the college-level is generally consistent with SSH, with a common emphasis on “thinking skills”, “problem and solution skills”, and “problem finding skills”. On the other hand, the results also revealed SSH is different from the “faculty-level,” which emphasizes the academic component of “knowledge and skills”.





