As a result of looking through dictionaries interpreted based on the ancient and middle Chinese period, ‘遍’ is a word that has already been used in a relatively diverse range of verb, adjective, adverb and measure word since Pre-Qin Dynasty. ‘遍’ is used as both an adjective and measure word based on the modern Chinese dictionary. If so, this study attempted to analyze the topic of how the word ‘遍’ was used during the Tang-Song Dynasties which can be said to be the two preceding periods of the actual modern Chinese period. This study first went over interpretation on ‘遍’ in the dictionary, and then analyzed 7 types of texts in the Tang-Song Dynasties, focusing on the appearance aspect and grammatical features of ‘遍’. As a result of the analysis, when ‘遍’ was used as a verb, Type 1 and Type 2, which have continued since the Pre-Qin Dynasty, still appeared. However, when the entire structure of ‘verb ‘遍’ + preposition ‘於’ + object of place’ shown in the Pre-Qin Dynasty and the Han Dynasty was used as a predicate, Type 1 and Type 2 did not appear just the same as in the Six Dynasties. In addition, the interconnection structure ‘V + 遍’, which did not appear in the Pre-Qin Dynasty, but appeared in the Han Dynasty and the Six Dynasties, did not appear in the texts of the Tang-Song Dynasties. The structure, ‘verb + complement of result’, which appeared in a small number during the early Tang Dynasty, also did not appear a lot of times in the Tang-Song Dynasties, but it was combined with more diverse verbs than in the previous period. When ‘遍’ was used as an adverb, it seems to be a structure that has been continuously and frequently used since the Pre-Qin Dynasty. When ‘遍’ was used as a measure word, it has been frequently used since the early Six Dynasties, and the same is true in the texts of the Tang-Song Dynasties. We can see examples of ‘遍’ being used as an adjective after the early Han Dynasty, and the sentences appeared a lot of times in texts during the Tang-Song Dynasties.
Ⅰ. 들어가는 말
Ⅱ. ‘遍’에 대한 사전 상의 풀이
Ⅲ. 唐宋시기 ‘遍’의 사용현황
Ⅳ. 나오는 말