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KCI등재 학술저널

진단분류모형을 활용한 중학생의 읽기 동기 프로파일 연구

A Study on Reading Motivation Profiles of Middle School Students Using Diagnostic Classification Models

DOI : 10.31216/BDL.20230005
  • 49

The purpose of this study is to analyze the potential reading motivation characteristics of Korean middle school students in multilateral ways by using the possession probabilities of reading motivation attributes, whether to possess reading motivation attributes and reading motivation profiles derived from Diagnostic Classification Models(Under DCMs). The main findings are as follows. First, five reading motivation attributes were selected and 35 items were developed through literature research, validation of the content expert group (2 times), and pre-examination. The developed items were used in this test conducted on 677 middle school students in the first to third grades. Item reliability evaluation was conducted based on the responses of 662 people who were the final analysis targets. As a result, 4 reading motivation attributes and 29 items were finally selected excluding ‘digital media’. The Cronbach's α coefficient for these items was 0.954, showing a very high level of reliability. After that, the final Q-matrix was determined through the Q-matrix validation process using the PVAF method (EPS=0.85), content expert opinion, positive response probability by q-vector, and mesa plot. The final Q-matrix met absolute fit indices and showed excellent relative model fit. Second, middle school students in korea possess overall reading motivation attributes on average. Specifically 'social reason for reading' and 'extrinsic purpose of reading' are possessed, while 'intrinsic purpose of reading' and 'reader's beliefs' are not possessed. In addition, the average of the probability of possession attributes and the number of people possessing attributes decreased in the order of 'social reasons for reading', 'extrinsic purpose of reading', 'reader's beliefs, and 'intrinsic purpose of reading'. Also, 16 reading motivation profiles were derived through the DCM. Through this, it was confirmed that middle school students in Korea have various and extreme characteristics of reading motivation. This suggests that there is a need for educational interventions to improve reading motivation designed to the characteristics of individual students.




Analysis Method




