최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

염소와 양 골격근의 근섬유 특성

Muscle fiber characteristics of caprine and ovine skeletal muscles

DOI : 10.5851/fl.2022.e14

This study aimed to provide a fundamental summary of the caprine and ovine muscle fiber characteristics. The goat and sheep industries have been experiencing growth due to their adaptability to market changes and the diversity of their products. Muscle fibers, which represent the basic unit of muscle and an essential factor in assessing meat quality, can be classified into several types by their contractile and metabolic properties. Species, breeds, muscle type, age, and sex are the main factors affecting muscle fiber characteristics. While the effects of these factors on muscle fiber characteristics of major livestock species (cattle, pigs, and chickens) are widely studied, goats and sheep (the main meat sources among minor livestock species) have not fully studied. Understanding muscle fiber characteristics will help to development technologies for regulating goat and lamb meat quality. In the present study, the muscle fiber characteristics of the caprine and ovine skeletal muscles assessed in previous studies were summarized. In addition, the effects of breed, sex, age, and muscle type on the caprine and ovine muscle fiber characteristics were assessed using the results of previous studies. Specific in-depth studies on muscle fiber characteristics and their relationship to the quality characteristics of goat and lamb meat are required. These studies will help to extend shelf-life and retard deterioration in meat quality during storage or freeze-thawing of goat and lamb meat.

서 론

근섬유 유형 구분

염소와 양 근육의 근섬유 특성

근섬유 특성과 육질의 관계

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