The Role of Parents’ Book Reading Style and Quality of Emotional in Improving Children’s Cognitive
- The Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association(환태평양유아교육연구학회)
- Asia-Pacific journal of research in early childhood education
- Vol.17 No.2
- 2023.05
- 19 - 42 (24 pages)
This study aims to study the role of book reading style and the emotional quality of parents on children's cognitive abilities. Participants are families who participate in family literacy programs in Indonesia. The research sample is 150 parents and children who are involved in the family literacy program in the Bandung area, Indonesia. The correlational design was used in this study to see the role of parental style in reading books and the emotional quality of parents when interacting with children on children's cognitive abilities. The families involved are bilingual families who use more than one language in their family. The results showed that parents' book reading style (direct text reading/extratextual talk), emotional quality, and language use were factors that greatly influenced children's cognitive abilities. Extratextual reading style is a reading style that is considered superior in improving children's cognitive abilities compared to direct text reading style. In addition, reading will be more optimal in increasing children's grasping power if it is accompanied by quality parental emotions. This study provides implications that can be used as guidelines for stakeholders in providing signs for parents in an effort to improve children's literacy at preschool age.
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