이 연구의 목적은 AbPS 창의력 프로그램을 적용한 수업이 초등학생의 창의적 문제해걷력과 창의적 성향에 미치는 효과를 검증하기 위한 것이다. 초등학교 6학년 57명을 대상으로 7주 20차시에 결쳐 실험집단은 AbPS 창의력 프로그램을 적용한 사회과 수업을 실시하고 비교집단은 교사주도의 일반수업을 실시하였다. 두 집단의 창의적 문제해곁력 및 창의적 성향 사전검사 점수를 공변인으로 하여 사후검사 점수를 공변량 분석 하였다. 연구걷과 실험집단의 창의적 문제해걷력 검사의 하위요인인 문제발견과 문제해걷의 유창성, 질 수준, 독창성 및 전체 검사 점수와 창의적 성향검사의 하위요인인 인내, 동기, 호기심, 모험심, 자신감 및 전체 점수가 비교집단의 그 점수보다 유의하게 더 높게 나타났다. 이러한 걷과는 AbPS 창의력 프로그램을 적용한 수업이 일반수업보다 창의적 문제해곁력과 창의적 성향에 더 효과적인 것으로 해석된다.
The purpose of this research was to examine the effects of AbPS program-based creative instruction on creative problem solving ability and creative personality. In order to achieve the research purpose, fifty seven students in 5th grade from J elementary school in Daegu city were chosen as research subjects. Theses students were divided into experimental group and control group. The experimental group learned Social Studies applying the AbPS creative program for 20 lessons during 7 weeks. The control group learned the same contents for the same period only through the traditional teacher-directed instruction. ANCOVA procedure was applied to analyze the data on both groups. The results of this study showed that the scores of total creative problem solving abilities and their sub factors, such as fluency, quality level of the experimental group were significantly higher than the scores of the control group. And, the results of this study showed that the scores of total creative attitude and their sub factors, such as perseverance, motivation, curiosity, adventure, self-confidence of the experimental group were significantly higher than the scores of the control group. These results imply that AbPS program-based creative instruction is more effective than the traditional teacher-directed instruction on creative problem solving ability and creative personality.