최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

COVID-19로 인한 소득변화를 경험한 중년남성 근로자의 건강행태 및 정신건강: 자영업자와 임금근로자 비교

Health Behavior and Mental Health Status of Middle-Aged Male Workers Who Experienced Income Changes Due to COVID-19: A Analysis of Self-employed individuals and Wage Workers

DOI : 10.5807/kjohn.2023.32.2.39
  • 64

Purpose: This study aimed to understand how changes in income due to the COVID-19 pandemic have affected the health behavior and mental health status of self-employed individuals. Methods: We compared the health behavior and mental health status of regular wage workers and self-employed individuals with no change in income, with that of self-employed individuals with reduced income due to the spread of COVID-19. Results: Smoking status, average amount of smoking per day, changes in the amount of smoking and drinking due to COVID-19, drinking frequency per year, monthly binge drinking experiences, subjective stress, and suicidal thoughts experienced by self-employed individuals with decreased income were not only higher than those of wage workers and self-employed individuals with maintained income, but their happiness index was also lower than the latter group. Conclusion: This study suggests that the change in total household income due to COVID-19 adversely affects the health behavior and mental health status of self-employed individuals. However, COVID-19-related policies focus only on economic loss compensation, and the health behavior and mental health management for self-employed individuals is insufficient. Therefore, it is necessary to establish policies for health behavior and mental health management of self-employed individuals.





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