Objective Meat Quality from Quality Grade and Backfat Thickness of Hanwoo Steers
Objective Meat Quality from Quality Grade and Backfat Thickness of Hanwoo Steers
- 한국축산식품학회
- Food Science of Animal Resources
- Food Science of Animal Resources 제43권 제3호
- 2023.05
- 531 - 539 (9 pages)
The objective of this study was to determine the effects of quality grade (QG), and back-fat thickness on the carcass traits and meat quality properties of Hanwoo steers. Fifty carcasses were sorted into two QG (QG 1+ and 1) and three back-fat thickness (˂10 mm, 10 to 19 mm and ≥19 mm) groups. After investigating the carcass traits (rib eye, back-fat thickness, weight, color, yield index, maturity, marbling score, and texture), the longissimus lumborum muscles from the carcass groups were collected and analyzed for meat quality (pH, color, cooking loss, and moisture), texture profiles [Warner-Bratzler shear force (WBSF), and tensile tests], and fatty acid. Results showed that marbling score (p<0.001), moisture (p<0.05) and tensile tests values (p<0.05) had a significant differences between QG1+ and QG1. No differences in pH, color traits, cooking loss and WBSF values occurred between the QG groups. Regarding the back-fat thickness effect, we observed that the carcass weight, yield index (p<0.001), yield grade (p<0.001) and marbling score (p<0.05) had a significant differences among the back-fat thickness groups. Regarding the meat quality, moisture content and WBSF values (p<0.01) among the back-fat thickness groups. The back-fat thickness did not affect the pH, color, cooking loss and tensile tests. The QG and back-fat thickness did not affect the fatty acids contents (p>0.05). It may be concluded that the carcass traits and meat quality were significantly affected the QG and back-fat thickness.
Materials and Methods
Results and Discussion
Conflicts of Interest
Author Contributions
Ethics Approval