최근 검색어 전체 삭제

유추에 의한 문제해결 : 직후재생과 지연재생

Analogical Problem Solving: Immediate and Delayed Recall

The primary purpose of this study was to determine the conditions under which a student is most likely to recall the solution to a familiar problem and transfer that solution to a new, analogous problem. Three aspects of the · analogical problem solving situation which were expected to play an important role in analogical problem solving are: the availability of a good analog, the time interval between when an analog is learned and when a transfer problem presents itself, and the availability of prompts to use the analog. One hundred and twenty eight university students were asked to solve analogical story problems. As expected, subjects who studied a warm - up problem consisting of an analogous problem and solution performed better on the transfer problem than subjects who studied a nonanalogous warm - up problem and solution. Contrary to expectations, however, the time interval between analog learning and transfer had no effect on the subjects' solution of the target problem. Similarly, the presence of a prompt to recall the warm - up had no effect on the subjects' solution of the target problem.




