Four target passages including distractive other eight passages were read to subjects ranging from the second grade to the university student population. And memory test having items asking fact and anothers, needing forward consequence inferening was given immediately after study as well as at one week delay. Fact item was derived from the explicit information given in the respective passage and the forward consequence inference item required Ss to make successful forard consequences on the basis of information given. . The forward consequence inferencing was spontaneous in nature and no strategies or cues were suggested to use. To summarize, first, the ability to make forward consequence inference seems to begin from the age of 7 (third grade) and fully develop at the age of 9 ( fifth grade ) . To be specific, subjects from the age of 9 were able to make successful forward consequence inference even after one week delay, though third graders failed at the delayed test. Second, the ability to make forward consequence inference seems to develop to a certain constant level (not incrementally through grades). This may suggest the natural forward consequence inferencing studied might be spontaneous one which is contrasted with the plan or strategy intending to remember. Third, to speak generally, subjects were able to remember the inferential semantic content better than the factual information given in the passages. And, finally, gender-bias subjectively reported was not correlated with either factual or inferential memory.