최근 검색어 전체 삭제

사고력 수업을 위한 프로그램의 개발과 교사연수

Integrative Teaching of Subject Content and Thinking Skills : Program Development and Teacher Training

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This project, originally initiated and supported by the Board of Education of Daegu City, had twofold purposes: One was to develop a theoretical model of integrative teaching of subject contents and thinking skills and, based on it, to develop its training program together with training materials. And the other was to perform teacher training using the model and program developed. It was approached somewhat experimentally and innovatively to reform the traditional teaching practices. This integrative teaching model established assumptions such as thinking skill(s) is a skill or a set of skills (so it can be taught and learnt), thinking skills as well as subject content can be hierarchically organized, thinking skills and strategies should be taught explicitly and systematically, subject content is a mode of thinking, and subject contents should be taught through and, also, by thinking processes. The program developed included the contents such as the followings: (1) Thinking skil ls and strategies (organization of thinking skills, reasoning and form of knowledge, relation of subject content and thinking processes), (2) critical thinking, (3) comprehension of contents and writing (strategies of comprehension of contents, principles and guide of writing), (4) Socratic conversation, questioning and lessons for idea generation techniques ) and (5) , finally, teaching model and instructional development. 61 teachers from the primary and secondary schools volunteered to the teacher traning sessions which lasted for 60 hours. Training sessions followed three steps. The first step was for providing theoretical background and mastery of basic skills, the second step was for having teaching practicum applying the theory to practice and coaching, and the final third step was for reporting and interacting with respective colleague teachers and principals. The result obtained from the analysis of surveys administered immediately after the first step and, also, after completing the whole training sessions and, further, observations of supervsiors and principals of the Board of Education and the others concerned showed the project had been very successful.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 추진의 경과와 방법

Ⅲ. 사고력 수업의 개념과 내용

Ⅳ. 결과

Ⅴ. 요약 및 제언

