최근 검색어 전체 삭제

편견적 지식과 편파적 추론

The Stereotypic knowledge and biased inference

  • 5

연구에서는 기존에 가지고 있는 고정관념적인 편견적 지식이 편파적 추론을 생성케 하는지 (편견 구체적인 추론), 그리고, 만약 그러하다면, 그것은 주로 메시지를 대하여 부호화할 때 일어나는지 아니면 검사시 단서의존적으로 생성되는지를 실험해보았다. 대상은 초등학교 2학년에서 고등학교 2학년까지의 10개 학년을 대상으로 하였다. 9개의 이야기 단락을 만들어 한번만 천천히 읽어주고, 추론 문항을 가지고 즉시 검사와 일주일후의 지연 검사를 실시하였다. 각 이야기 단락에 대한 검사 문항에는 편파적 추론의 질문, 논리적 추론의 질문, 축어적 기억의 질문 및 확장적 추론의 질문등이 포함되었으며 실시는 학반단위로 하였다. 성관계의 편파적 추론을 알아보기 위하여 이야기 단락의 주인공을 전형적인 남자 또는 여자로 교차상쇄되게 조작하였고 편파적 지식은 남녀를 비교하는 별도의 설문지를 이용하여 사정하였다. 세가지의 결론을 도출하였는데, (i) 편견적 지식은 그것과 일치하는 방향으로 편파적 추론을 생성시키며 또한 그것은 자발적으로 일어난다, (ii) 편견적 지식에 의한 편파적 추론은 주로 인출 때 일어나며 인출단서의 영향을 크게 받는다. 그리고 (iii) 편파적 추론과 논리적 추론에서 남자와 여자는 다소간 상이한 모습을 보여주었다.

This study was to examine whether the stereotypic knowledge such as gender-bias could affect on memory inferences and, in the case, to determine the locus of such inferences which would raise the issue of the inference-on-input versus inference-at-retrieval. We hypothesized that students who held strong gender stereotypes would tend to make inferences about ambiguous memory stories that were consistent with those stereotypes. Further, we hypothesized that the biased inference-drawing would mainly occur cue-dependently at the time of retrieval. Nine story passages were read to the subjects of 1,550 ranging from the grade 2 up through grade 11. And the recognition memory test was given immediately after the story passage presentation and, again, after one week delay. The memory test included both the biased inference question indicating that the child had remembered a gender-stereotypical outcome, even though it had not been stated, and the logical inference questions which were based on the inferences that something had happened that had not been stated, but, unlike the biased inference, no gender-bias was implied. Four story passages were used to assess the effect of the stereotypic knowledge on the biased inference, where the typical boy's and girl's names were manipulatively used in Form A and Form B to make these names cross-balanced. The remaining five story passages were used to determine the effect on the logical inference processing. The stereotypical gender-biased group was operationally defined subjects responded consistently the 'female superior' on dancing, 'mail superior' on arithmetic study, 'male superior' on science study, and 'female superior' on cooking to the separately administered questionnaire. The data gathered were analyzed using with design of biase group (2) x gender (2), by grade and the total group. The study came to the conclusions firstly that the stereotypical knowledge affects subjects to draw biased inferences consistent with those stereotypes. We found the significance difference of the biased memory only at the one-week delayed memory test. Moreover, the effect was strongly shown particularly at grade 6, 7, and 8. Secondly, the study found that the inference processing such as the schema-related one shown in the first conclusion occured clearly at the time of retrieval and, so, cue-dependently. Finally we very cautiously concluded that the female group tended to be more sensitive to the stereotype effect, which should require replicational studies for further close examination.


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