This paper applies the Sonoma Model of Critical Thinking to psychology and to Administration in an educational setting. The analysis produces insights into the functioning of the model, insights into psychology, and pragmatic conclusions regarding relationships among faculty, administrators, and others. We summarize the Sonoma Model of critical thinking and apply it to thinking about clinical psychology and experimental psychology. We use these insights to apply the Sonoma Model to thinking critically about administration in an educational envirorunent. The main application of the model for administration in education is to employ it on a daily basis in making decisions and setting policies. We find further insight in the application of the elements' of the model to themselves, and close with practical affective conclusions for the applications of the model for faculty and for administrators.
CT and Administration in Education
Continuous CT
Points of View, CT, Faculty, and Administration
Psychology and Points of View
Applying CT to Itself
CT, the Affective Domain, and Administration in Education