Relationship between Study Skills and Conceptions of Intelligence for Postsecondary Students
Relationship between Study Skills and Conceptions of Intelligence for Postsecondary Students
- 대한사고개발학회
- The International Journal of Creativity & Problem Solving
- 제9권 제2호
- 1999.10
- 21 - 30 (10 pages)
This study was designed to investigate the relationship between study skills and attitudes toward intelligence in undergraduate university students. In that respect, it replicates a similar study by Jones, Slate, Marini, and DeWater (1993), which found a relationship between the variables such that general education undergraduate students with an entity view of intelligence had weaker study skills, exerting less study effort, than did similar students with an incremental view of intelligence. The present findings generally supported the earlier Jones et al. research, demonstrating the replicability of the Jones et al. findings cross-nationally. The authors raised, for further consideration, questions about feasibility of altering adults ' entity views of intelligence toward an incremental view, about the effectiveness of study skills interventions with those who hold an entity view of intelligence, and about further cross-cultural research to assess the range of appli-cability of the research and theoretical framework.