The Critical Thinking Skills of Faculty in Baccalaureate and Masters in Nursing Programs
The Critical Thinking Skills of Faculty in Baccalaureate and Masters in Nursing Programs
- 대한사고개발학회
- The International Journal of Creativity & Problem Solving
- 제9권 제2호
- 1999.10
- 51 - 61 (11 pages)
The purpose of this study was to depict the extent of critical thinking development of nursing faculty. One hundred and fifteen subjects were recruited from eleven schools in the Eastern and Midwestern. United States. Subjects ranged in age from 28-63. Subjects were sent data collection packets containing a consent form, a demographic sheet, the California Critical Thinking Skills Test and the California Critical Thinking Disposition Inventory. The majority 87.6% worked full time and averaged 15.6 years in teaching. Their mean score on the CCTST was 18.95 with the highest subscale scores in evaluation, followed by analysis and inference. The mean score for the CCTDI was 331.59 and scores in the subscales of truthseeking and open-mindedness revealed weaknesses in these areas. ANOVA showed significant differences between educational preparation (F=S.2, p=.004), academic rank (F=3.4, p=.01) and the CCTST scores. Formal or informal preparation in critical thinking, years worked, employment status, clinical practice, and area of specialization were not significantly related to CCTST scores. Publications, age, and preparation in critical thinking were related to CCTDI scores.