Student Teachers' Perceptions of Teacher Behaviors for Fostering Creativity: A Perspective on the Academically Low Achievers (EM3 Students)
Student Teachers' Perceptions of Teacher Behaviors for Fostering Creativity: A Perspective on the Academically Low Achievers (EM3 Students)
- 대한사고개발학회
- The International Journal of Creativity & Problem Solving
- 제13권 제1호
- 2003.04
- 59 - 71 (13 pages)
This paper concerns a study on 144 student teachers' perceptions of teacher behaviors for fostering creativity. The study aimed at finding out teacher competence and dispositions important for fostering creativity of the EM3 students or the academically low achievers. The participants were interviewed. Their responses were analyzed using descriptive statistics and cluster analysis. A majority of student teachers regarded more highly general dispositions (e.g., being kind and friendly) than creative dispositions (e.g., being creative and risk-taking). They regarded highly teacher competence in facilitating interdependent learning modes as well. Implications of the study for enhancing creativity within the Singaporean teacher educational context were elicited.