최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

교육시설 발전모형 탐색 연구


The intent of this research is to provide a review of policy marking concerning the recorganization of educational facilities. This will include the examination of an equipment plan as well as an analysis of the plans and standards involved in selecting a school magazine. An examination of educational facilities in relation to environmental factors, paractical use of space, arid future societal needs will also be conducted. Three analytical methods were implemented. First, the changing processes and developmental tendencies of education facilities was examined. Second, the access method in relation to the educational facility model was looked at. Third, an analysis of the access model of educational facilities was studied. The intent of the research was to maintain a macroscopic viewpoints A method was developed to analyze data derived from the research of educational facilities, the essays of educational facility professionals, related literature, the Korean Development Institute of Education, end equipment standards, Technical journals referenced were The Futurist, The American School Board Journal, and The Educational Facility Planner of America. Additional data was collected from a survey given to 1200 architects, educators, parents of students, and other related members of the population from the Gyeoung Nam district. Students were hired and trained to administer the surveys. The contents derived from these surveys broke down into three categories : 1) The changing process and development tendencies of educational facilities a) The Standard Decree of Educational Facility Equipment, estahlished on the 4th of December, was developed to examine existing problem in the standards of education facilities. It investigated the historical change processes and prescribed a method of improving the standards of kindergarten, elementary, and middle schools. b) The effects of changes in the educational system and the modernization of facilities can be directly observed in the student population, changes in the teaching and leaning system, and the overall functionality of the schools. c) School facilities both accommodate and educate students. This is the educational mission of the school district. This r elates to the openness of school facilities plans and the relation between the school district and the neighboring society. 2) The approach and model of educational facilities. a) The physical candstion of the school facility is important, The educational facilities, the quality of building construction, and the work environment was examined. b) Three aspects relating to the model of educational facilities that was examined are : 1. Expense-effective models. 2. Education economic models. 3. Culture - various cultural models. 3) Analysis of the model of educational facilities. Questionnaires were used to gather information for the model of educational facilities. The results are as follows: a) The planning of school facilities and the selection of school locations. There are differences within each field as F=52.38 in the level of 0.1% an the responses to this question, In analyzing the 18 fields presented provided an understanding concerning the planning of school facilities. The level of the lowest response is 3.78. b) Principles in the environmental factors of school facilities, Three are differences within each field as F=27.93 in the level of 0.1% on the resposes to this question. The lowest response, 4.10, is regarding the personal space of students and teachers and is among 13 fatal fields. c) The usage of space. There are differences within each field as F=26.E in the level of 0.1% on the responses to this question. The lowest response, 3.98, is regarding the design of larger classrooms in tie future and is among 18 total fields. d)

I . 序論

II . 敎育施設의 發展動向

III. 敎育施設計劃의 接近方法

IV. 結論

