최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

계절성 정동장애: 정신생리학적 측면을 중심으로

Seasonal Affective Disorder: Focusing on Psychophysiological Aspects

DOI : 10.14401/KASMED.2023.30.1.13
  • 10

The Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a disorder characterized by prolonged periods of depression and various physical and psychological symptoms experienced during specific seasons, typically winter. In this review aims to provide a comprehensive overview of SAD with a specific focus on psychophysiological aspects. Through the review from ancient times to the present, this paper explores the characteristics, causes, and underlying mechanisms of SAD. Particularly, it comprehensively reviews the research findings on the relationship between external factors such as light, sunlight, climate, and their association with SAD. Furthermore, the paper discusses the interplay between SAD and psychophysiological changes, along with the latest research trends in treatment and prevention strategies. By combining theoretical and practical perspectives on SAD, this article aims to provide a holistic understanding and offer suggestions for future research directions and clinical interventions.




