This study aims to examine the types of leaderships of swimming captains by using comparative analysis. This study involves 200 swimmers belonging to high school, college, and adult teams from Busan and Ulsan. The one-way variate analysis, whose significance level is ?~0.05, is used in the statistical analysis. The following are the findings: In analyzing the relationship between gender and leadership, leadership is highly attested in males who favored renovation, participation, and bureaucracy, and in females who favored tasking. In analyzing the relationship between ones group and leadership, leadership is highly attested in those who relied in renovation, tasking, and participation among collegian teams, and in bureaucracy-type of leaders in adult teams. Regarding awards won and leadership, leadership is highly attested in the renovation and bureaucracy type of leaders who have won a prize in a national sports competition, and in task-type and participation-type leaders who have never won a prize in a national sports competition. Leadership also figures highly in renovation-type, task-type, and participation-type leaders in diving, water polo, and synchronized swimming; in contrast, bureaucracy-type leaders in butter-fly diving, water polo, synchronized swimming. In examining team size and leadership, renovation-type leaders show the highest leadership in a team of 10 - 20 members; and renovation-type, task-type, participation-type, and bureaucracy-type leaders in a team of 20 - 30 members.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 연구 방법
Ⅲ. 연구결과 및 논의
Ⅳ. 결론