The purpose of this study is to investigate differences in the kindergarten operation and management by the kindergarten teachers' perception according to the vice headmaster of kindergarten has a certificate of qualification of kindergarten teachers or not. The subjects in this study were 200 kindergarten teachers who are working at kindergarten in Gyeungsangbuk-do. For a survey, 200 questionnaires were distributed by mail or direct visiting. The responses from 188 teachers(94%) were chosen for final analysis. The collected date were analyzed SPSS and frequency and percentage were calculated to determine the effect of group variables and chi-square test were conducted in order to know degree of significant differences in each group. The results of this study are that there are many significant differences in operation, management kindergarten and operation of educational programs according to the type of certificate possessed by the vice headmaster of kindergarten. Therefore, in order to be normal in kindergarten education and operation, it is necessary that kindergarten administration's qualification condition has to be more severed than present systems that the vice president of elementary school can hold an additional post to vice headmaster of kindergarten.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 유치원 원감의 자격유형과 역할
Ⅲ. 유치원 운영관리 영역
Ⅳ. 실태분석 및 논의
Ⅴ. 결론 및 제언