본 조사연구를 통해 나타난 농 • 어촌지역 청소년들의 경제가치관 은 다움과 같다. 경제현실관: 가정의 생활수준에 대한 불만이 매우 높으나, 대한민국사회는 노력하면 성공할 수 있는 민주사회라고 인식하고 있다. 직업관: 직업선택의 기준으로 자아실현의 가능성과 보수 그리고 근무의 자율성을 중시하고 있다. 경제사회관: 우리경제 발전의 최고 기여자는 노동자이며, 우리경제 침체의 원인제공자는 정치인으로 인식하고 있으며, 한미 FTA협정체결을 부정적으로 받아드리고 있다. 소득분배관: 계층간의 소득격차문제에 매우 부정적 시각을 갖고 있으며, 분배의 양극화 현상을 해소하기 위해 특단의 조세정책이 필요하다는데 동의하고 있다. 경제미래관: 우리경제의 발전을 낙관하고 있으나, 빈부격차문제와 청년실업문제의 해소 전망에 대해서는 매우 비관적 시각을 갖고 있다.
This research analyses the economic values of the young, especially middle and high school students, in agricultural and sea villages. It investigated what characteristics of their economic situations are, which individual factors, such as sex, education, school quality, etc, affect them, and where their differences come from. For the purpose I conduct this research and analyse the results. The economic parts in middle and high school's textbooks are categorized into 6 subparts, that is, their views on wealth distribution, their views on their economic future. As the samples, I selected 300 2nd-year boy/girl students from 2 middle/high schools respectively in agricultural/sea villages in Jeju. The question is made of 5 sections with 15 questions at all, analysed by SPSS Program. The results are as followings; First, the higher education and the richer, the more satisfied. Most of them think our country is so democratic that they will be able to succeed through efforts, and effort is the most important. Second, their view on jobs is that the possibility of self-realization and the amount of income are the important factors when they choose jobs. Third, they mostly think the primary factor for economic development is labor while the recent economic recession has been caused by international economic situations and our country's political leaders. In addition, they object to FTA (Free Trade Agreements) between Korea and the US, Fourth, in contrast with middle school students, high school students have very negative ideas about rich-poor polarization in our country. Fifth, many students have positive prospect about our country's economic development. However, they negatively perceive the rich-poor unbalance and the young jobless, which is somewhat contrary to their positive view on our country's economic development.
I. 서론
II. 이론적 배경
III. 연구방법
IV. 결과 및 논의
V. 요약 및 결론