Probiotics that Ameliorate Cognitive Impairment through Anti-Inflammation and Anti-Oxidation in Mice
Probiotics that Ameliorate Cognitive Impairment through Anti-Inflammation and Anti-Oxidation in Mice
- 한국축산식품학회
- Food Science of Animal Resources
- Food Science of Animal Resources 제43권 제4호
- 2023.07
- 612 - 624 (13 pages)
The gut-brain axis encompasses a bidirectional communication pathway between the gastrointestinal microbiota and the central nervous system. There is some evidence to suggest that probiotics may have a positive effect on cognitive function, but more research is needed before any definitive conclusions can be drawn. Inflammationinduced by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) may affect cognitive function. To confirm the effect of probiotics on oxidative stress induced by LPS, the relative expression of antioxidant factors was confirmed, and it was revealed that the administration of probiotics had a positive effect on the expression of antioxidant-related factors. After oral administration of probiotics to mice, an intentional inflammatory response was induced through LPS i.p., and the effect on cognition was confirmed by the Morris water maze test, nitric oxide (NO) assay, and interleukin (IL)-1β enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay performed. Experimental results, levels of NO and IL-1 β in the blood of LPS i.p. mice were significantly decreased, and cognitive evaluation using the Morris water maze test showed significant values in the latency and target quadrant percentages in the group that received probiotics. This proves that intake of these probiotics improves cognitive impairment and memory loss through anti-inflammatory and antioxidant mechanisms.
Materials and Methods
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