Effect of Probiotic-Fortified Infant Formula on Infant Gut Health and Microbiota Modulation
Effect of Probiotic-Fortified Infant Formula on Infant Gut Health and Microbiota Modulation
- 한국축산식품학회
- Food Science of Animal Resources
- Food Science of Animal Resources 제43권 제4호
- 2023.07
- 659 - 673 (15 pages)
Compared to infant formula, breast milk is the best source of nutrition for infants; it not only improves the neonatal intestinal function, but also regulates the immune system and gut microbiota composition. However, probiotic-fortified infant formula may further enhance the infant gut environment by overcoming the limitations of traditional infant formula. We investigated the probiotic formula administration for one month by comparing 118 Korean infants into the following three groups: infants in each group fed with breast milk (50), probiotic formula (35), or placebo formula-fed group (33). Probiotic formula improved stool consistency and defecation frequency compared to placebo formula-fed group. The probiotic formula helped maintaining the level of secretory immunoglobulin A (sIgA), which had remarkably decreased over time in placebo formula-fed infants (compared to weeks 0 and 4). Moreover, probiotic formula decreased the acidity of stool and considerably increased the butyrate concentration. Furthermore, the fecal microbiota of each group was evaluated at weeks 0 and 4. The microbial composition was distinct between each groups, and the abundance of healthpromoting bacteria increased in the probiotic formula compared to the placebo formulafed group. In summary, supplementation of probiotic infant formula can help optimize the infant gut environment, microbial composition, and metabolic activity of the microbiota, mimicking those of breast milk.
Materials and Methods
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