뇌성마비 사용자를 위한 ‘날마다 15분 구강운동’ 앱 개발 사례보고
‘Daily Oral Motor Exercise for 15 Minutes’ for Cerebral Palsy : A Case Report for the Mobile Application Development
- 한국보완대체의사소통학회
- 보완대체의사소통연구
- 제3권 제1호
- 2015.06
- 81 - 90 (10 pages)
기술은 발전하고 있으나 기능상의 제약으로 더 소외되는 뇌성마비 사용자를 위한 ‘날마다 15분 구강운동’ 어플리케이션 개발에 대한 사례보고이다. 언어병리학 전공 지식을 기반으로 하여 앱의 기획부터 앱인벤터를 활용한 프로그래밍, 마켓에 등록까지의 절차를 소개하였다.
Although technological progress has been accelerating, however, person with Cerebral Palsy(CP) has been known to have limited speaking opportunities due to their limited motor function and access to appropriate assistive technology. There is a need for more research on how to improve their communication skills in daily life. Thus, we present an mobile application called ‘daily oral motor exercise for 15 minutes’ for person with CP. We’ve developed it based on our knowledge in speech language pathology. In this case report, we provide an application-development process, including planning, design, programming with Appinventor, and registering an application to a market.
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