Splint therapy can be a reliable way to stabilize temporomandibular joint structures before starting occlusal treatment. The use of a stabilization splint can promote formation of the pseudo disc on the posterior band of the disc where the mandibular condyle can be seated on. Once the condyles are seated in the most forward and uppermost position in the articular fossae with the help of a stabilization splint, it can be considered that the patient’s condyle is in a reproducible and reliable reference position for mandibular movement. A stabilization splint that reproduces an ideal functional occlusion can eliminate protec-tive co-contraction of the masticatory muscles and eventually lead to an orthopedically stable joint position of the mandible. Stabilization of the TMJ is a therapeutic process that allows clinicians to identify the true mandibular position and make an accurate diagnosis. It also allows clinicians to predict patient responses to future occlusal reconstruction with an orthodontic approach.
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